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Simplify and Improve: Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet


Are you a part of the 86% of Canadians who made a New Year’s resolution?   

Establishing personal growth goals when the clock strikes 12:01 on January 1 is nothing new. The Babylonians started the tradition 4,000 years ago. And you’re not alone if your resolution involves exercising more according to StatsCan, it’s the most popular choice.

How can Balaklava Technology Simplified help with your intentions for 2025?

Imagine snowflakes the size of baseballs piling up outside. Despite the winter wonderland, you’re comfortable in Lulus, your Yeti tucked into your treadmill’s console, and your Nikes laced and ready to move. Just as you kick it into full gear your right earbud conks out and the left one hurls itself out of your ear canal and slides somewhere far under the machine.

Now imagine your ears free—nothing in them but the gust of speed as you race your way up another incline. Your playlist boosts your mood through speakers you can’t even see. When it offers up a song that isn’t up to tempo, all you need to do is request that it skip forward. As your temperature rises, and the sweat starts to drip, you can simply ask your room’s thermostat to lower. Is the sunlight too bright? Easily lower your automated shades with a simple speech command—or have us pre-set them to track the sun’s movement.

We all know that when the conditions are right it’s easier to achieve your goals. At Balaklava, we want you to succeed as much as you do.  

Maybe your goal has nothing to do with perspiring. Perhaps, like 4.9% of the population, you’re choosing instead to focus on adventure. We at Balaklava Technology Simplified can help make your home more secure and your journeys easier. No one wants to spend their travel time worrying that the thermostat was left on high or that those weird new neighbours are snooping around your yard.

Balaklava gives you peace of mind. We install professional-grade security cameras that you can check from your beachside cabana. Did you forget to turn down the gas fireplace? No problem. With a quick swipe on your phone, you can switch it off from the top of the ski hill. And then, just as you grab your luggage from the carousel, you can flick it back up so your home is perfectly comfortable when you pull into your driveway.

If your goal involves healthy eating, sorry. We can’t make broccoli more appetizing. But there are many things we can do to help you succeed in the new year.

Ask us how we can help you make your resolutions a lot more effortless. We don’t want you to be part of the 90% of New Year’s resolutions that fail.

You can do this. Happy 2025!


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